Painful Breakup with a Bitch | Sad poem

Painful Breakup with a Bitch | Sad poem

In the wreckage of promises, where love once lay slain, I wander amidst echoes, lost in a haunted refrain. Each corner breathes whispers, each creak a cruel rhyme, Of laughter long faded, of sunshine turned grime.

The air, thick with sorrow, clings heavy to skin, As memories bleed crimson, where joy used to spin. Your ghost in the armchair, the scent on the sheet, Every phantom embrace, a bittersweet cheat.

Painful Breakup with a Bitch | Sad poem

I trace constellations on windowpane mist, Each star a lost moment, a future we kissed. The moon, a cold witness, hangs frozen in space, While tears leave their craters on my desolate face.

Dishes sit silent, a monument to meals, Cooked with love's laughter, where hunger now steals. The clock in the kitchen, a metronome of ache, Counting the seconds, a heart's silent break.

Books on the table, unread on the shelf, Where stories we scribbled now slumber themselves. Your favorite sweater, a ghost on the chair, Whispering secrets, a burden to bear.

The music we cherished, a requiem now plays, Each note a sharp dagger, dissecting lost days. The lyrics like arrows, pierce deep in my soul, As shadows of yesterday take cruel control.

I walk down paths paved with dreams, now grown cold, Where hands intertwined, stories untold. Benches where laughter once danced in the breeze, Now weep with the willow, whispering unease.

The park where we picnicked, beneath skies ever blue, Now mirrors the grey in my shattered soul, too. Swings swaying softly, like ghosts in the air, Mocking the whispers of "forever" we shared.

The phone with your number, a relic of pain, A promise unspoken, a love lost in rain. Each digit a tombstone, each click a goodbye, In the deafening silence, where echoes still lie.

And through it all, whispers, questions ignite, "What went wrong?" they murmur, in the dead of the night. Was it a slow drift, or a sudden, harsh blow? Did love simply vanish, like embers aglow?

Painful Breakup with a Bitch | Sad poem

But answers are phantoms, elusive and thin, Like smoke from a bonfire, dissolving within. The truth, a locked casket, the key long misplaced, Leaving me searching, in this desolate space.

So I pick up the pieces, one shard at a time, Mending a heart fractured, with memories as rhyme. Each tear a baptism, a promise to rise, From the ashes of heartbreak, beneath weeping skies.

For though love may have perished, its echo remains, A whisper of strength in the storm's icy strains. And I'll rise from the wreckage, though scars may still sting, For life, like a phoenix, from ashes takes wing.

In the silence that follows, when echoes subside, I'll learn to love deeply, with wounds as my guide. For even in darkness, a new dawn takes flight, And broken hearts mend, bathed in love's gentle light.

So I walk on, my spirit, though battered, still bold, Carrying memories, both precious and cold. And though love's fire may flicker, its embers still glow, Guiding me forward, wherever I may go.

For in the tapestry of life, woven with pain, Love's threads, though they fray, will bloom once again. And someday, perhaps, in a garden reborn, My heart will find solace, in a new love, untorn.

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